The cover of the book titled “About Us: Essays from the Disability Series of the New York Times.” Beside it are two quotations of critical acclaim: “Merits a spot on everyone’s reading list for its brilliant assemblage of voices and stories,” writes the magazine Publishers Weekly. “Inspiring… eloquent…. A rich, moving collection,” proclaims the magazine Kirkus Reviews.

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Based on the pioneering New York Times series, ABOUT US collects the personal essays and reflections that have transformed the national conversation around disability.

Since its debut in 2016, the New York Times “Disability” series has brought insight to millions of readers into what it means, and how it feels, to live with a disability. The life stories, by authors with disabilities that range from blindness and deafness to chronic illness and depression, speak to the fullness of human experience. These compelling accounts of childhood, love, sex, conflict, resourcefulness, and joy, both topical and timeless, have influenced public opinion and promoted the social and civil rights of America’s largest minority group. Echoing the refrain of the disability rights movement, “nothing about us without us,” the collection presents a foreword by Andrew Solomon, and more than sixty essays from the series, including "I Use a Wheelchair. And Yes, I’m Your Doctor” and “10 Things My Chronic Illness Taught My Children.” Overturning pervasive stereotypes, About Us reveals how disabled people have survived and flourished in a world not yet built for them.



John Altmann • Todd Balf • Jennifer Bartlett • Emily Rapp Black • Sheila Black • Sasha Blair-Goldensohn • Cheri A. Blauwet • Molly McCully Brown • Joseph P. Carter • Peter Catapano • Randi Davenport • Luticha Doucette • Anne Finger • Joseph J. Fins • Shane Fistell • Paula M. Fitzgibbons • Kenny Fries • Rosemarie Garland-Thomson • Jenny Giering • Ona Gritz • Elizabeth Guffey • Jane Eaton Hamilton • Ariel Henle • Edward Hoagland • Alex Hubbard • Liz Jackson • Elizabeth Jameson • Cyndi Jones • Anne Kaier • Georgina Kleege • Rachel Kolb • Elliott Kukla • Catherine Kudlick • Emily Ladau • Laurie Clements Lambeth • Alaina Leary • Riva Lehrer • Gila Lyons • Ben Mattlin • Zack McDermott • Catherine Monahon • Jonathan Mooney • Susannah Nevison • Joanna Novak • Valerie Piro • Oliver Sacks • Katie Savin • Melissa Shang • Alice Sheppard • Daniel Simpson • Brad Snyder • Andrew Solomon • Rivers Solomon • Carol R. Steinberg • Jillian Weise • Abby L. Wilkerson • Alice Wong

T O P I C S   I N C L U D E

Becoming DisabledMental Illness is not a Horror ShowDisability and the Right to ChooseBrain Injury and the Civil Right We Don’t ThinkThe Deaf Body in Public Space The Everyday Anxiety of the StuttererI Use a Wheelchair. And Yes, I’m Your DoctorA Symbol for “Nobody” That’s Really for EverybodyFlying While BlindMy $1,000 Anxiety AttackA Girlfriend of My OwnThe Three-Legged Dog Who Carried MePassing My Disability On to My ChildrenI Have Diabetes. Am I to Blame?Learning to Sing AgainA Disabled Life is a Life Worth Living

A B O U T   T H E   E D I T O R S

P E T E R   C A T A P A N O  is an award-winning opinion editor at the New York Times.

A photographic portrait of Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, one of the two editors of “About Us.”

R O S E M A R I E   G A R L A N D - T H O M S O N  is professor of English and bioethics at Emory University.

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A division of W.W. Norton & Company
Independent Publishers Since 1923

The logo of Liveright Publishing Corporation - a division of W.W. Norton and Company - the publisher of the book "About Us".